I won't lie to you - keyword explore is probably my least favourite thing to do in all of marketing. It's a lot of work, it's redundant and it doesn't always turn out the right phrases...meaning you'll need to do it again.
But, with all that said, you pretty much have to do it. So, while I feel your pain, bear with me here, because this is one of the particular most foremost things you will ever do for your sites.
1. No Keyword is Perfect

While it's super foremost to do the research, there is no such thing as a "right" riposte to the keyword explore issue. There's regularly a pretty good opening that you won't get the best terms right away. But, that's only because you need to narrow down any given website to in the middle of 10-30 terms. There are millions of potential terms out there, so if you're only picking 10-30 of them, of course you won't get the best ones.
One thing to keep in mind here is that the "best" terms - the ones that will yield the most traffic, are not necessarily the ideal terms you want. Instead, you should focus on terms that have a moderate estimate of traffic and less competition. For example, a term like "mp3 player" is going to have a Lot of competition, but "mp3 player for children" is quite a bit more specific. Agreeing to Google, it still gets 450 searches a month - a solid estimate to work with.
2. Get Some Good Tools
Of course, to find these terms that have solid numbers and decent competition, you'll need a good explore tool. I personally use freebies like the Google Keyword Tool (search for that term and it shows up estimate one).
However, if you want to go for some heavy duty paid tools, there are also tools like Wordtracker or KeywordSpy that will give you a Ton of data to work with. I advise those tools only if you're getting more industrialized or have the wage to reinvest.
3. Use Authority Resources
Finally, if you're construction a site about something you may not be 100% well-known with, go out there and learn more about it. You'll find tons of terms on forums and blogs that you may never have heard before.
For example, with "mp3 player for children", you'll learn that terms like "storage capacity", "gigabytes", "Hdmi", "3G vs WiFi" and more are all included in discussions about popular Mp3 players. Learn those terms and how they apply. They could recount big keyword opportunities.
Keyword explore is a pain - pure and simple. But, it's also the deciding factor in the middle of sites that pull this stuff off and the ones that sit and stagnate with zero Google traffic. Any Christian home enterprise should be able to tap into those resources.
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