What is a blog? When I was asked to conduce to this blog, I decided to try to find out what makes a blog a blog. I found so much information, but I also found myself having to sift through a lot of other stuff just to try and narrow down to what I was looking for.
What I found was there are so many dissimilar types of blogs, that it is difficult to be able to define one. I did find some tasteless traits however, and what follows is a very short, basic form of what I discovered.
The word "blog" is derived from "weblog", which itself is derived from the words "web log", referring to the act of creating a log, or journal, online where anything can read it. The word "weblog" was created on December 17 1997 by Jorn Barger, and it is pronounced "we-blog", two years later, Peter Merholtz broke the word into the two words "we blog", and so created the word "blog".

Basically, a blog is a series of pages (it can be video or sound, but we'll get to that later) that person is able to put online for anything else to read without having to go through the process of having it approved by an editor. This means essentially that the author is both author and editor. The author is able to issue new pages whenever they want, and then the pages are listed in reverse chronological order (or, to put it more simply, the most recent page on top) with older pages arranged in an archive.
Another aspect of a blog is the comments section; although this is not ready on all blogs, many blogs give the reader the potential to commentary on what has been written on each page. This can create a type of online conversation, with population commenting on both the blog and other people's comments.
There are dissimilar types of blogs, depending on the purpose of the blog. population write about their hobbies, their interests, their experiences, their feelings or their jobs. This has resulted in millions of blogs with a wide range of topics from cooking, to celebrities, to the writer's children, to companies.
Many businesses have blogs where they are able to contribute a more personal face to the business. With this type of blog the business can tell the customers about new events that are coming up, as well as new products. They can also commentary on things that are happening in the world that apply to their type of business, for example a technology business commenting on the new iPad, or a heath food shop commenting on a new study showing how chocolate is literally good for you...(I wish:-)).
A blog does not have to be just written content. Pictures, video and audio content can also make up a blog. Examples of dissimilar types of blogs include:
a general text blog
a videoblog, vidcast or vlog
microblog - a small blog of a slight whole of characters, eg. Twitter
podcast, or audioblog - where the author records their voice to be downloaded as a blog. This can typically be played on any media player, and are in Mp3 format.
There is far more to a blog than just what I have written here, but now hopefully next time you visit a blog you have more of an idea of what it literally is.
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